Register with us as a New Patient




Changes to registration during Covid-19 Pandemic

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, patients are asked to register without coming into the practice. To register you will need to complete our online registration form


New Patient Registration

  • We can only accept new patients who live in our practice area (see map below)
  • If you need to check to find out if you reside within our practice area, please call reception on 024 7667 2277
  • Your NHS number can be obtained by contacting your previous GP (we cannot register you until we receive this)
  • You can register with the surgery by completing the NHS GP online registration form using the link below 

When you register, we will ask you to make an appointment to see the practice nurse (or doctor if you are on regular medication) for a new patient health check. This will ensure that our records are accurate and all routine checks to promote your health and wellbeing (such as blood pressure/smear tests/mammograms) are up-to-date.

Although anyone in the practice area is entitled to apply to join the practice, if a patient has previously chosen to remove themselves from the practice list then re-registration is not an automatic right and would have to be approved by the doctors.


Practice Boundary


Translation Services

We can now offer translation services upon request.

For more details please speak to a member of our healthcare team.



Please let us know if you have served in any of the armed forces so that we can reflect this on your medical record.

Named GP For All Patients

From 1 April 2015, practices are required to allocate a named GP to all patients (including children). All new patients will be allocated their named GP within 21 days of registration. For existing patients we will  allocate a named GP. If you want to know who your named GP is then please just ask at reception.

If any patient requests a particular GP as their named GP instead of the one allocated, then we will always try to arrange this.

Having a named GP does not mean that you have to see that doctor; you are welcome to see the GP you usually see, or the GP you would want to see for a particular problem – even if they are not your named GP.

Just as now, the GP you usually see, or your named GP, will not always be available and there will be times when you see different GPs in the practice. We do work as a team at the practice, and that will still be the case – there will always be a doctor to take responsibility for you.

The benefit of having a named GP is that if you were ever to feel that you needed one doctor in particular to take responsibility for looking after you, then you already have the name of the doctor who is happy to take on that role.